About Derrida Today
The Derrida Today journal and conference was established in 2008 by Nicole Anderson and Nick Mansfield, and was launched by Macquarie University's Pro-Vice Chancellor, Professor Judyth Sachs.
Chief Editors: Nicole Anderson & Nick Mansfield (Macquarie University).
Associate Editors: Sam Haddad (Fordham University), Kyoo Lee (CUNY), Elina Staikou (Goldsmiths, London) and Lynn Turner (Goldsmiths, London)
Nicole Anderson (Macquarie University, Sydney)
Nicole Anderson teaches at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. She is the co-founder and chief editor (with Nick Mansfield) of the journal Derrida Today published by Edinburgh University Press. As well as numerous articles and book chapters on various topics ranging from: bio-art, cannibalism, to evolution, animals, posthumanism, technology, bioculture and biopolitics to Derrida, deconstruction, and ethics, she is also the sole author of Derrida: Ethics Under Erasure (Continuum 2012), co-editor (with Katrina Schlunke) of Cultural Theory in Everyday Practice (Oxford University Press 2008), and is currently writing a book for Routledge entitled Culture which explores the intersection between, and co-implications of, science and culture.

Nick Mansfield (Macquarie University, Sydney)
Prof. Nick Mansfield is Dean of Higher Degree Research at Macquarie University, Sydney. Nick’s research covers a wide range of issues in Cultural Studies and Cultural Theory, and he has published widely on subjectivity, radical sexuality, aesthetics and more recently on global political issues such as war and sovereignty. Of particular interest is the work of Franco-Maghrebian philosopher Jacques Derrida. With Dr Nicole Anderson, Nick is one of the founding general editors of the journal Derrida Today, published by Edinburgh University Press.
Select publications include: The God Who Deconstructs Himself: Subjectivity and Sovereignty Between Freud, Bataille and Derrida (Fordham University Press, New York, 2010); Theorising War: From Hobbes to Badiou (Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2008); Subjectivity: Theories of the Self from Freud to Haraway (New York University Press, New York, 2000); Cultural Studies and Critical Theory (with Patrick Fuery) (Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 2000); Masochism: The Art of Power (Praeger Press, Westport, Connecticut, 1997).